Partner event: EduID Mobile App Architecture meeting on 25 April 2017

The “digital transformation” has strong effects on how individuals interact with each other through the use of services – and it adds some challenges to the service operator’s agenda. One such challenge is to deploy consistent identity management across all the devices the “digitally transformed” user may choose from.

For over a decade, SWITCHaai streamlines the user’s (and also the service operator’s) experience by offering a consistent identity management framework across a wide range of web-application services. SWITCH edu-ID is extending this framework to reach beyond web-applications and to also seamlessly integrate with mobile apps.

The project Swiss edu-ID Mobile App (part of swissuniversities’ program “Scientific information”) aims at developing a novel approach to this challenge.

The eduhub Special Interest Group SIG Mobile Learning will discuss this approach and contrast it with other approaches. Interested app developers and service providers are encouraged to register for the event by answering this Doodle poll by 19 April the latest.

New SWITCH Story “Leading the way in identity management”

Comfort or discomfort? In our increasingly user-centric world, this is a key success factor of basically any solution. Read more about the contribution of SWITCH edu-ID to the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) that will aim to harmonise the various types of data and information systems and make it possible to exchange data for research purposes.