Swiss edu-ID Detailed Architecture available now

The Swiss edu-ID Team is happy to announce the first revision of the Swiss edu-ID detailed architecture. It is a thorough description of the Swiss edu-ID federation, its participants and their roles, the information architecture, data models and identity management processes.

The architecture was developed based on the output of Swiss edu-ID working groups, the Swiss edu-ID high level architecture, and numerous presentations and follow-up discussions with university members during the past years. On this occasion we would like to express our gratitude for the great effort and support in our community!

The draft of the architecture document was reviewed by the Processes II Workgroup, subscribers of the Swiss edu-ID newsletter and external identity management experts. Of course, comments are still welcome at any time.

The document (direct PDF link) can be downloaded from the document section of the Swiss edu-ID website.

RFI on Swiss edu-ID IdM open

As announced the phase of the survey conduction has started and the RFI documents have been sent to interested participants 4th of May.
The RFI documents are published on the Swiss edu-ID website.

Deadline for RFI answers is May 22nd, 2016.

By June 1st the most promising participants will be determined and invited to a presentation workshop.
Workshops will take place from June 6th until 10th.